Thursday, May 31, 2012

Nature Cure Treatments

Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment, which believes in the rational use of the freely available elements in nature for removing the basic cause of disease. It is not only a system of healing, but also a way of life, in tune with the internal vital forces or natural elements comprising the human body. It is a complete revolution in the art and science of living. Nature cure is based on the realization that man is born healthy and strong and that he can stay as such by living in accordance with the laws of nature and even a slightest violation of the natural laws of nature result in an abnormal condition of the body called disease. Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

The nature cure system adopts methods of cure, which are in conformity with the constructive principles of nature and aims at the readjustment of the human system from abnormal to normal conditions and functions. Such methods remove the accumulation of toxic matter and poisons from the system, without injuring the vital parts of the body in any way. They also stimulate the organs of elimination and purification to function better. The nature cure treatments include different methods for curing the human system using the natural processes. A well-balanced diet, sufficient physical exercise, the observation of the other laws of well-being such as fresh air, plenty of sunlight, pure drinking water, scrupulous cleanliness, adequate rest and right mental attitude can ensure proper health and prevent disease. Let us understand all the diseases and their treatments.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Naturopathy as an age old healing method

Naturopathy as an age old healing method was very much in practice in India when drugs and technology were not much in vogue. Nature provided all the elements, within the range of the natural foods, which man needed in the way of nutrient and medicine. Thus, the healing power by naturopathy was nothing new to the Indian tradition. In Indian homes, home remedies have always come before the even doctor`s medicines. This clearly portrays the sheer importance of naturopathy as a trustworthy alternative treatment procedure in ancient India. With passing time, Indian naturopathy gained contour as one of the important health care systems in India, famed for its side effect less treatment.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Benefits of Naturopathy

Hectic lifestyle, poor eating habits lead to an increase in stress levels and create unevenness and disorders within the body that affects vital energy. All diseases are believed to be caused by what we eat and what we don’t consume. This form of therapy seeks to find the root cause and eliminate the toxins. It focuses on the entire body and uses natural elements and therapies to cure the imbalances rather than eliminate or restrain the symptoms. Naturopaths aid the healing process for a healthy internal and external environment.
This therapy is effectual for treatment of nervous system imbalances such as stress, anxiety, muscle cramps, headaches, depression and fatigue. Reproductive disorders like menstrual problems, pre-menstrual syndrome, infertility, pre-conception care can be treated by this healing therapy.

It also recommended for digestive disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, prickly bowel syndrome. Immune disorders, allergies, sensitivities, weight loss, cough, cold and flu, insomnia, prostate problems, arthritis, high cholesterol can be cured by this therapy.

Naturopathy can also tackle illnesses that cannot be wholly healed by allopathic treatment such as sinusitis, asthma, eczema, dermatitis etc. All these problems can be cured to a great level by Naturopathic healing. Naturopathy is in particular effectual for chronic symptoms.

A naturopath will assess the cause and suggest/prescribe a particular remedy as per the individual`s case history. Though two persons may have the same symptoms, the treatment may differ depending on one`s overall health history. The treatment focuses on the patient`s entire body and not just a particular part. Naturopath practitioners prescribe medicines once they have entirely investigated the patient`s entire case history.

Naturopaths suggest prevention of the illness as the best cure for any disease/illness. They instruct the patients about the significance of natural foods loaded with rich nutrition and to maintain a healthy lifestyle/living. Apart from natural sources, Naturopaths offer several therapeutic methods. Naturopathy is considered as one of the best alternative therapies for patients.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Principles of Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a holistic, natural healing system that focuses on the prevention and treatment of diseases and promotion of the self healing process. This method of treatments includes herbs, massage, fasting, detoxification, acupuncture, hydro therapy etc. It blends the old, natural, traditional therapies with the current study of health. Naturopathic doctors follow six principles of healing based on the observation of health and diseases with scientific methods.

-The healing power of nature-

It is believed that human body has an inborn ability to heal itself and maintain and restore good health. So, here the Naturopaths teach the patient about the self-healing skills of the body by identifying the cause and eliminating the impediments and establish a healthy internal and external environment.

-Do not harm the body-

The main emphasis is on avoiding any harm to the patient. The Naturopaths develop methods which minimizes the risk of harmful side-effects to the body. The diagnosis, treatment are all measured keeping in mind the individual`s healing process and refer for proper treatment when naturopathic healing therapies are incompatible to the patient`s health.

-Identify and treat the cause-

-Every illness of the body occurs with a cause. The Naturopathic doctors seek to identify the cause and treat the patient rather than just suppress/eliminate the symptoms.

-Heal the whole person-

A broad approach to diagnosis and treatment: Naturopaths take into account the patient`s over all mental, physical, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual factors that affects the health.

-The physician as Teacher-

The Naturopathic doctors teach the patient and instill in mind the self-responsibility for their own good health. With strong encouragement and motivation, the physician maintains a therapeutic potential of a good doctor-patient rapport.

-Prevention is the best cure-

-The most vital health care method is the prevention of disease and can be achieved through education, promotion of healthy lifestyle/healthy living. The Naturopaths evaluate the risk factors and make timely interventions to prevent illness.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Is there anything I should look out for?

Be sure to let your medical doctor (M.D.) know about any naturopathic treatment, and let your N.D. know about any conventional medications you are taking. Some treatments can interact with each other, and your health care practitioners will be better able to treat you if they know every therapy you are using. Do not take high doses of nutrients and herbs without your N.D.' s supervision, because of potential toxic effects and drug/herb interactions. Please see the monographs on individual herbs and supplements for detailed information. Make sure that your doctor approves any major changes in your diet, so they don' t undermine your health (especially in the very young, the elderly, and those with certain medical conditions, such as diabetes).

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Naturopathy – The Art of Drugless Healing

Naturopathy, as the name suggests, is a system of therapy and treatment which relies completely on natural remedies for healing purposes. These natural medicines can be sunlight, air, water, wrapped up with nutritional diet and therapies such as massages! Based on the belief that the body is a self-repairing entity, capable of healing and repairing itself, neuropaths suggest various remedies.
Most of these remedies are recommendations to enhance the atmosphere or create a healthy environment so that the body can spontaneously heal itself! Also, naturopathy follows a holistic pattern of treatment. This implies that it believes that the body is united with a soul and mind. In order to achieve a harmonious balance with heath, it is imperative that the three be treated as one. Thus, most observers think that naturopathy is deeply rooted in mysticism and metaphysical belief!
  • A technique that aims at treating human diseases with emphasis on nature. It introduces the human body to nature’s agencies, forces, processes, and products.
  • Naturopathy considers low vitality, abnormal composition of blood and lymph, germ\bacteria, neurotropic disturbances, accumulation of waste matter, and psychological problems as the main causes of illnesses.
While administering naturopathic principles to the healing process, the practitioner applies one or more specific physiological, mechanical, nutritional as well as animal devices to treat a given condition. The end aim of naturopathy is to remove the obstacle that creates hindrances in the body’s normal functioning. The healer makes use of natural forces to recuperative the body’s healing ability. The doses recommended are prescribed to purify the body of various catabolic wastes and promote anabolic processes.
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians claim that “the naturopathic medicine possesses its own body of knowledge and has succeeded in evolving and refining for centuries”. Additionally, naturopathic medicines are also hugely renowned as they show very few signs of side effects and do not harm the body in any way! And physicians associated with naturopathy treat patients by restoring overall health than by suppressing just a few key symptoms of the problem. A common conviction is shared among them which states that by fighting the underlying cause of the condition and applying relevant treatments to it in coordination with the natural healing abilities, the body can achieve long term advantages!
Naturopathy, as an alternative system of medicine, is mostly practiced in combination with forms of health practices such as acupuncture and spirituality! Most naturopaths also present sound advice to followers. This includes exercise, quit smoking, eating vegetables and fruits, and overall practicing good nutrition for life!
So, wouldn’t you like to experience the benefits of natural healing? If yes is your answer, then naturopathy is the best solution! Get in touch with a practitioner or naturopath in your vicinity and make the most of this old yet practical technique

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Naturopathy Treatments in India

Naturopathy Naturopathy is a wonderful alternative medical system that aims at healing by natural remedies and by using the body's innate ability to heal and maintain itself. Based on holistic approach it favors minimal use of drugs and surgery. With its preventative approach it is aimed at maintaining a healthy body and mind in order to prevent illness. While going for this therapy the naturopathic doctor (practitioner) takes complete details of the patient such as the diet, lifestyle, history of the illness, family background and environment. The practitioner goes into the details rather than just working on the symptoms only. The patients are cured through diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and natural therapies and medicines.
Naturopathy includes three important components: Nutrition, Massage and Herbal Medicine. It is an ancient system of medicine which is effective in treating a variety of ailments. Now the Western medicine is also incorporating the principles of Naturopathy.

Friday, May 18, 2012

What illnesses and conditions respond well to naturopathy?

Because naturopaths combine so many therapies, it is difficult to single out specific illnesses that respond well to naturopathy. Naturopaths treat both acute and chronic conditions from arthritis to ear infections (otitis media), from HIV to asthma, from congestive heart failure to hepatitis. N.D.s treat the whole person, rather than only treating a disease or its symptoms, aiming to help their patients maintain a balanced state of good health. Because of this holistic approach, naturopathy may be especially suited for treating chronic illnesses.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Evidence basis

Naturopathy lacks an adequate scientific basis under the methodology of evidence-based medicine (EBM). Members of the medical community show a critical or rejecting view of naturopathy. Traditional naturopathic practitioners surveyed in Australia perceive EBM as an ideologic assault on their beliefs in vitalistic and holistic principles. They advocate the integrity of natural medicine practice. Traditional natural medicine practitioners surveyed in Australia could have problems in understanding and applying the concept of EBM. If naturopathy offers verifiable results for specific conditions, greater scientific knowledge of the mechanisms of those naturopathic protocols could result in improved therapy models. Some naturopathic physicians have begun to contribute to research and adapt modern scientific principles into clinical practice.

There are growing collaborative efforts between naturopaths and medical doctors to evaluate the safety and efficacy of naturopathic medicine in prevention and management of a broad range of common ailments, and to decide whether accessibility of naturopathic services will enhance patient health in a cost-effective way. In Germany a host of naturopathy alternative treatments are sold as reliable science such as reflexology. However, even among those who support naturopathy consider reflexology unscientific. Contrary to reflexology, scientifically genuine naturopathic methods are not an alternative, but a supplement to modern medicine.

Naturopathy is criticized for its reliance on and its association with unproven, disproven, and other controversial alternative medical treatments, and for its vitalistic underpinnings. As with any alternative care, there is a risk of misdiagnosis; this risk may be lower depending on level of training. There is also a risk that ailments that cannot be diagnosed by naturopaths will go untreated while a patient attempts treatment programs designed by their naturopath. Certain naturopathic treatments, such as homeopathy, rolfing, and iridology, are widely considered pseudoscience or quackery. Natural methods and chemicals are not necessarily safer or more effective than artificial or synthetic ones; any treatment capable of eliciting an effect may also have deleterious side effects.

"Non-scientific health care practitioners, including naturopaths, use unscientific methods and deception on a public who, lacking in-depth health care knowledge, must rely upon the assurance of providers. Quackery not only harms people, it undermines the ability to conduct scientific research and should be opposed by scientists", says William T. Jarvis.
Stephen Barrett of Quackwatch and the National Council Against Health Fraud has stated that the philosophy of naturopathy is "simplistic and that its practices are riddled with quackery."

K. C. Atwood writes, in the journal Medscape General Medicine, "Naturopathic physicians now claim to be primary care physicians proficient in the practice of both "conventional" and "natural" medicine. Their training, however, amounts to a small fraction of that of medical doctors who practice primary care. An examination of their literature, moreover, reveals that it is replete with pseudoscientific, ineffective, unethical, and potentially dangerous practices." In another article, Atwood writes that "Physicians who consider naturopaths to be their colleagues thus find themselves in opposition to one of the fundamental ethical precepts of modern medicine. If naturopaths aren't to be judged "nonscientific practitioners," the term has no useful meaning. An article by a physician exposing quackery, moreover, does not identify its author as "biased," but simply as fulfilling one of his ethical obligations as a physician."

According to Arnold S. Relman, the Textbook of Natural Medicine is inadequate as a teaching tool, as it omits to mention or treat in detail many common ailments, improperly emphasizes treatments "not likely to be effective" over those that are, and promotes unproven herbal remedies at the expense of pharmaceuticals. He concludes that "the risks to many sick patients seeking care from the average naturopathic practitioner would far outweigh any possible benefits."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Naturopathy is practiced in India

In India there is a 5½ year degree course offering a Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS) degree. The first college of naturopathy was started in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh by B. Venkatrao which offered a Diploma in Naturopathy (ND) and now has a full-time residential degree course. There are a total of 12 colleges in India, of which three are in the state of Karnataka, two colleges in Hyderabad, one each in Gujarat, Chattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh and four colleges in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Naturopathy and Yoga, as an Indian system of medicine, falls under the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

The Indian government established the "Central Council for Research in Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy” in 1969 as an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. This organization was tasked to conduct scientific research into those branches of alternative medicine, until 1978. During this period, the development of Naturopathy was looked after by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare directly. In March 1978 the composite council was dissolved and replaced by four independent research councils, one each for Ayurveda and Siddha, Unani, homoeopathy and yoga and naturopathy.

The National Institute of Naturopathy in Pune was established on 22 December 1986. It encourages facilities for standardization and propagation of the existing knowledge and its application through research in naturopathy throughout India. This institute has a governing body, with the Union Minister for Health as its president.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Other health care professionals

According to a 1998 task force report, some physicians are choosing to add naturopathic modalities to their practice, and states such as Texas have begun to establish practice guidelines for MDs who integrate alternative and complementary medicine into their practice. Continuing education in naturopathic modalities for health care professionals varies greatly but includes offerings for many professions, including physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, dentists, researchers, veterinarians, physician assistants, and nurses. These professionals usually retain their original designation but may use terms such as 'holistic', 'natural', or 'integrative' to describe their practice. The American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA) and American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board (ANMCAB) has recognition and certification programs for Medical Doctors (MD) and Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) who have supplemented their education with naturopathic studies and integrate naturopathy into their practice.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Traditional naturopaths

Traditional naturopaths are represented in the US by two National Organizations, The American Naturopathic Association (ANA) founded in 1919 by Benedict Lust, representing about 5000 certified practitioners, and the American Naturopathic Medical Association (ANMA) founded in 1981 and representing about 4000 practitioners with several levels of certification. The ANMA also recognizes MDs, DOs, and other medical professionals who have integrated naturopathy into their practices.
The level of naturopathic training varies among traditional naturopaths in the United States. Traditional naturopaths may complete non-degree certificate programs or undergraduate degree programs and can certify at a practitioner level with the American Naturopathic Medical Certification Board (ANMCB) and generally refer to themselves as Naturopathic Consultants.There are also post graduate doctoral degrees for traditional naturopaths. Those completing a Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) degree from an ANMCB approved school can become a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor. Medical Doctors with supplemental training in Naturopathy can become National Board Certified Naturopathic Physicians through the ANMCAB.
Traditional naturopathy as defined by the profession and the US Congress in the early twentieth century does not require a license in the US .Because naturopathic medicine undertakes to engage in activities generally requiring a medical license, its practice is only legal in those 15 states that regulate the profession; however practitioners of naturopathic medicine may practice traditional naturopathy throughout the United States.

Friday, May 11, 2012


In jurisdictions where Naturopathic doctor (ND or NMD) or a similar term is a protected designation, naturopathic doctors must pass board exams set by the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE) after completing academic and clinical training at a college certified by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME). Residency programs are offered at Bastyr University, National College of Natural Medicine, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, and University of Bridgeport. NDs are not required to engage in residency training.

In 2005, the Massachusetts Medical Society opposed licensure in that commonwealth based on concerns that NDs are not required to participate in residency, and are trained in inappropriate or harmful treatments. The Massachusetts Special Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medical Practitioners rejected their concerns and recommended licensure.

In the state of Washington, where naturopathic doctors are licensed comparably to primary care physicians, many naturopathic doctors also accept insurance, with some plans offering the option of designating a naturopath as a primary care provider. In Connecticut and Washington, state law requires insurance providers to provide some coverage of naturopathic services, while Oregon, another state with significant numbers of naturopathic doctors, does not.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Practitioners & Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


A consultation with a naturopathic practitioner typically begins with a lengthy patient interview focusing on lifestyle, medical history, emotional tone, and physical features, as well as physical examination. Naturopathic practitioners can be split into two groups, naturopathic physicians and traditional naturopaths.

Naturopathic Medicine is represented in the US by the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP), which was founded in 1985 and has 2000 student, physicians, supporting, and corporate members. Many naturopaths present themselves as primary care providers. Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) training includes basic medical diagnostic tests and procedures such as medical imaging and blood tests, as well as vitalism and pseudoscientific modalities such as homeopathy. The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) also provides for the inclusion of optional modalities including minor surgery, natural childbirth, and intravenous therapy, though they are not generally licensed to perform these functions; these modalities require additional training and may not be within the scope of practice in all jurisdictions. This training includes therapies which are not required at a traditional MDs and DOs medical school, such as botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, naturopathic manipulation, and homeopathy.
The core set of interventions defined by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education and taught at all six accredited schools in North America includes: acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine, botanical medicine, homeopathy, nature cure (a range of therapies based upon exposure to natural elements), nutrition, physical medicine, and psychological counseling.
Naturopathic medical license in most areas of North America requires graduation from one of the schools accredited by the Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Many forms of alternative medicine, including naturopathy, homeopathy, and chiropractic are based on beliefs opposed to vaccination and have practitioners who voice their opposition. This includes non-medically trained naturopaths. The reasons for this negative vaccination view are complicated and rest, at least in part, on the early philosophies which shape the foundation of these professions. A survey of a cross section of students of a major complementary and alternative medicine college in Canada reported that students in the later years of the program opposed vaccination more strongly than newer students.
A University of Washington study investigated insurance claim histories for alternative medicine use in relation to the receipt of vaccinations against preventable illnesses, grouped into children aged 1–2 years and 1–17 years. Both groups were significantly less likely to receive a number of their vaccinations if they visited a naturopath. The study found a significant association between visits to naturopaths with a reduced receipt of pediatric vaccinations and with increased infection by vaccine preventable illnesses.

Monday, May 7, 2012


The particular modalities used by an individual naturopath varies with training and scope of practice. The demonstrated efficacy and scientific rationale also varies. These include: Acupuncture, Applied kinesiology, Botanical medicine, Brainwave entrainment, Chelation therapy for atherosclerosis, Colonic enemas, Color therapy, Cranial osteopathy, Hair analysis, Homeopathy, Iridology, Live blood analysis, Nature cure - a range of therapies based upon exposure to natural elements such as sunshine, fresh air, heat, or cold, Nutrition (examples include vegetarian and wholefood diet, fasting, and abstention from alcohol and sugar), Ozone therapy, Physical medicine (includes naturopathic, osseous, and soft tissue manipulative therapy, sports medicine, exercise and hydrotherapy), Psychological counseling (examples include meditation, relaxation, and other methods of stress management), Public health measures and hygiene, Reflexology, Rolfing, and Traditional Chinese medicine.
A 2004 survey determined the most commonly prescribed naturopathic therapeutics in Washington State and Connecticut were botanical medicines, vitamins, minerals, homeopathy, and allergy treatments.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Naturopaths use a wide variety of treatment modalities, focusing on natural self-healing rather than any specific method. Some methods rely on immaterial "vital energy fields", the existence of which has not been proven, and there is concern that naturopathy as a field tends towards isolation from general scientific discourse. The effectiveness of naturopathy as a whole system has not been systematically evaluated, and efficacy of individual methods used varies.
A consultation typically begins with a lengthy patient interview focusing on lifestyle, medical history, emotional tone, and physical features, as well as physical examination. The traditional naturopath focuses on lifestyle changes and approaches that support the body's innate healing potential. Traditional naturopaths do not undertake to diagnose or treat diseases but concentrates on whole body wellness and facilitating the body healing itself. Traditional Naturopaths neither prescribe nor undertake to engage in the use of drugs, serums, potions, surgery or disease specific treatments or otherwise practice conventional medicine.Practitioners of naturopathic medicine hold themselves to be primary care providers and in addition to various natural approaches seek to prescribe legend drugs, perform minor surgery and apply other conventional medical approaches to their practice. Naturopaths do not necessarily recommend vaccines and antibiotics, and may provide inappropriate alternative remedies even in cases where evidence-based medicine has been shown effective. "All forms of naturopathic education include concepts incompatible with basic science, and do not necessarily prepare a practitioner to make appropriate diagnosis or referrals."

Friday, May 4, 2012


Naturopathic ideology focuses on naturally-occurring substances, minimally-invasive methods, and encouragement of natural healing.Naturopaths generally favor an intuitive and vitalistic conception of the body, and complete rejection of biomedicine and modern science is common. Prevention through stress reduction and a healthy diet and lifestyle is emphasized, and pharmaceutical drugs, ionizing radiation, and surgery are generally minimized. The philosophy of naturopathic practice is self-described by six core values. Multiple versions exist in the form of the naturopathic doctor's oath, various mission statements published by schools or professional associations, and ethical conduct guidelines published by regulatory bodies:
  1. First, do no harm; provide the most effective health care available with the least risk to patients at all times (primum non nocere).
  2. Recognize, respect and promote the self-healing power of nature inherent in each individual human being. (Vis medicatrix naturae, a form of vitalism).
  3. Identify and remove the causes of illness, rather than eliminate or suppress symptoms (Tolle Causam).
  4. Educate, inspire rational hope and encourage self-responsibility for health (Doctor as Teacher).
  5. Treat each person by considering all individual health factors and influences. (Treat the Whole Person).
  6. Emphasize the condition of health to promote well-being and to prevent diseases for the individual, each community and our world. (Health Promotion, the Best Prevention)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Monsignor Sebastian Kneipp, 1821–1897

Benedict Lust, 1872–1945
Some see the ancient Greek "Father of Medicine", Hippocrates, as the first advocate of naturopathic medicine, before the term existed. The modern practice of naturopathy has its roots in the Nature Cure movement of Europe during the 19th century. In Scotland, Thomas Allinson started advocating his "Hygienic Medicine" in the 1880s, promoting a natural diet and exercise with avoidance of tobacco and overwork. The term sanipractor has sometimes been used to refer to naturopaths, particularly in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States.
The term naturopathy was coined in 1895 by John Scheel, and purchased by Benedict Lust, the "father of U.S. naturopathy".Lust had been schooled in hydrotherapy and other natural health practices in Germany by Father Sebastian Kneipp; Kneipp sent Lust to the United States to spread his drugless methods. Lust defined naturopathy as a broad discipline rather than a particular method, and included such techniques as hydrotherapy, herbal medicine, and homeopathy, as well as eliminating overeating, tea, coffee, and alcohol. He described the body in spiritual and vitalistic terms with "absolute reliance upon the cosmic forces of man's nature."
In 1901, Lust founded the American School of Naturopathy in New York. In 1902, the original North American Kneipp Societies were discontinued and renamed "NATUROPATHIC Societies". In September 1919 the Naturopathic Society of America was dissolved and Benedict Lust founded the “American Naturopathic Association” to supplant it. Naturopaths became licensed under naturopathic or drugless practitioner laws in 25 states in the first three decades of the twentieth century. Naturopathy was adopted by many chiropractors, and several schools offered both Doctor of Naturopathy (ND) and Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) degrees. Estimates of the number of naturopathic schools active in the United States during this period vary from about one to two dozen.
After a period of rapid growth, naturopathy went into decline for several decades after the 1930s. In 1910, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching published the Flexner Report, which criticized many aspects of medical education, especially quality and lack of scientific rigour. The advent of penicillin and other "miracle drugs" and the consequent popularity of modern medicine also contributed to naturopathy's decline. In the 1940s and 1950s, a broadening in scope of practice laws led many chiropractic schools to drop their ND degrees, though many chiropractors continued to practice naturopathy. From 1940 to 1963, the American Medical Association campaigned against heterodox medical systems. By 1958, practice of naturopathy was licensed in only five states. In 1968, the United States Department of Health, Education, and Welfare issued a report on naturopathy concluding that naturopathy was not grounded in medical science and that naturopathic education was inadequate to prepare graduates to make appropriate diagnosis and provide treatment; the report recommends against expanding Medicare coverage to include naturopathic treatments. In 1977, an Australian committee of inquiry reached similar conclusions; it did not recommend licensure for naturopaths. As of 2009, fifteen of fifty U.S. states, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands and the District of Columbia licensed naturopathic doctors, and two states (WA, VT) require insurance companies to offer reimbursement for services provided by naturopathic physicians.
Naturopathy never completely ceased to exist. Beginning in the 1970s, interest waxed in the United States and Canada in conjunction with the holistic health movement.
Today, there are nine schools of Traditional naturopathy offering certificate or degree programs accredited by the American Naturopathic Medical Accredation Board The National Board Of Naturopathic Examiners of the ANA currently recognizes two schools offering Doctor of Naturopathy Degree programs
Naturopathic Medicine is represented with six accredited naturopathic medical schools and one candidate for accreditation in North America. In 1956, Charles Stone, Frank Spaulding, and W. Martin Bleything established the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) in Portland, Oregon in response to plans by the Western States Chiropractic College to drop its ND program. In 1978, Sheila Quinn, Joseph Pizzorno, William Mitchell, and Les Griffith established John Bastyr College of Naturopathic Medicine (now Bastyr University) in Seattle, Washington. That same year, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine was founded in Toronto, Canada. More recently founded schools include the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, founded in 1992, and Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, also founded in 1992. The University of Bridgeport in Connecticut grants ND degrees through the College of Naturopathic Medicine, and the National University of Health Sciences in Illinois recently developed a naturopathic program and is currently a candidate for accreditation.