Monday, May 6, 2013

This Articles ather Rathiloganathan Selvraj EXPERIENCES WITH NATURAL FOOD

     My name is Rathiloganathan and I am 33. I am living in India, married and have two daughters of age 10 and 5. I was a non-vegetarian before and I also used to take lot of milk and milk products like milk, curd, butter, ghee, buttermilk, cheese etc. I was having wheezing problem, pain in the body, continuous sneezing in the morning,  sweating in the body etc. I use to give 3 glasses of milk everyday to my elder daughter when she was 5 years old  thinking that milk is very nutritious with calcium and protein. She used to suffer from cold and cough very often. I was under the impression that I was providing the most nutritious combination of food - egg and milk. Yet something was wrong with her immunity that she fell sick often. Visit to the physician became a regular affair, atleast once in a month. When my second daughter was born I consumed lots of egg in my diet thinking that it will help in lactation. I became so fat and I weighed 75 kgs (My height is only 150 cms) and it also resulted in lots of complications to the body. My husband suffered from migraine, kidney stone and rheumatism. My search of health books for the correct diet ended with the book IYARKAI UNAVE NOI THEERKUM MARUNTHU written by Shri. M.A.Appan  in Tamil. The topic of the book means that NATURAL FOOD IS THE MEDICINE FOR ALL DISEASES. Reading the book I was totally amazed to know that the author himself who was a leprosy patient in his younger days got rid of leprosy and is leading a healthy life. Though he tried all types of treatments, he did not get cured. On the advice of his brother Shri. Ramakrishnan he stopped all medicines and ate natural food only and got rid of leprosy. He is now living in kulasekarapattinam of Tamilnadu. He is 70 now and takes care of  3 acre land all by himself. Many persons had told their experiences regarding natural food  in that book. I was more and more amazed to read that many coma, epilepsy, asthma, cancer patients who were left hopeless by the allopathy doctors have got cured by natural food. So I stopped non-veg and reduced milk and milk products in my diet. Before that I used to buy 2 litres of milk every day for my family. Now at present I have completely stopped milk and milk products after 4 years. At the same time I started to include natural food (raw and uncooked food) in my diet. Gradually I got rid of all my diseases without any medicines. My daughters and my husband are also healthy now. My weight came to 51 Kgs without any exercise. I feel very active and enthusiastic now. It has brought positive changes in my character too. Now I am tolerant, smiling, cheerful and relaxed with  sound mind. I am a working mom. I am able to balance both home and office at ease. I don't get stressed up or get exhausted at the end of the day. I work on computers and still have healthy eyes/vision. I don't have eye irritation, watering of eyes etc even if I work for long hours (12 hrs) in the system. I wish the readers to follow this diet and be healthy.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


     Blood is alkaline. Raw food is also alkaline. Raw food maintains the alkaline nature of the blood easily. When food is cooked it becomes acidic. Cooked food taken turns the blood to acidic nature.  Hence the body fights to turn the blood into alkaline to maintain the health. When it fails to do so we become a prey to

Thursday, May 2, 2013


              Only water should be taken when thirsty.  Those who can't can take juices. After the sickness has reduced juicy fruits and fleshy fruits can be included little by little for a few days.  Then after recovery nuts can be included.  During fasting taking rest is a must.  If airy places are available rest can be taken there.  Energy losing activities such as watching TV, talking more, listening to music, walking long distances should be avoided.  The body should be helped to divert all its energy to cure the body.  Due to fasting the toxin level in the body gets reduced. Since the toxin level is reduced the diseases also gets reduced.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


             2 spoons of ginger juice daily will help those with weak digestion.  The white colour sediment which settles after the juice is taken should not be eaten. Juice taken should be kept for 15 minutes for the sediment to settle and then taken with a spoonful of honey.  Not advisable for ulcer patients.  They can chew cumin
instead.  Drink warm water made by boiling cumin and pepper in it.