Saturday, April 25, 2015

Raw Food

Healthy, delicious vegetarian cuisine made with living foods.

 First Things First
raw lettuce

Food can be called raw if it has not been heated above 42C (104F).
Sometimes referred to as living because the enzymes have not been destroyed or denatured by the cooking process. The damage caused to the enzymes in by cooking can reduce the nutritive value of a meal.

This diet can have some great benefits.
Everyone knows that fresh fruit and vegetables are nutritious but eating them raw can add great benefits such as:

  • Live enzymes and vitamins offer the best nutrition
  • Eating an organic raw food diet can allow the body to release toxins. This can lead to better health and possibly help to eliminate some diseases.
  • If you need to lose weight, eating this way will almost always lead to weight loss without the feelings of hunger and fatigue that accompany many diets.
  • Those who eat this way find they have more energy and a better skin tone; often they will start to look younger.