Monday, September 10, 2012

different colours

The action and effect of different colours on the body along with their healing properties in the form of food items are given below:

Red: This colour symbolises heat, fire and anger. It is a motivating and energising colour. It stimulates arterial blood and brings warmth to cool extremities. It is contained in food items like Beets, radish, red cabbage, tomatoes, watercress, most red-skinned fruits, red berries and watermelon.

Orange: This colour is emblematic of prosperity and pride. Orange is useful for stimulating blood supply and revitalising the nerves. Orange-skinned vegetables and fruits such as carrot, orange, apricot, mango, peach and papaya contain this colour.

Yellow: Yellow colour is associated with joy and happiness. It is laxative and diuretic. It is refreshment to the brain, the liver and the spleen. Lime and lemon, sweet lime, grapes, pumpkin, melon, banana, mango, yellow apple and guava contain this colour.

Purple: Purple or indigo combines the blood-warming red and pooling antiseptic blue. It is an excellent stimulant without being an irritant. It exerts a soothing effect on the eyes, ears and the nervous system. It contains in all the foods having both blue and violet colours.

Green: Made up of blue and yellow, green is regarded as a colour of accord and harmony and it is a mild sedative. Most of the green vegetables and fruits such as gourds, spinach, plantain, lettuce, pea, green mango, gooseberry, pears, beans, contain this colour.

Blue: Cool, soothing and sedative, blue alleviates pain, reduces bleeding and heals burns. Foodstuff like Blue plum, blue beans, blue grapes contain this colour.

Violet: Eggplant, berries, black carrot and purple grapes contain this colour.

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