Monday, September 3, 2012

Mud Therapy

            Mud therapy in Naturopathy since ancient times has been regarded as an essential remedy to several health related issues. In modern times it again came into prominence.
            In Naturopathy, Mud therapy has been regarded as an effective remedy to several diseases in ancient times as well as the middle ages. In modern times, it again came into eminence as it was discovered to have remarkable effects to refresh, enliven and vitalise the human body; especially during the night. The forces of earth have remarkable effects upon the human body, especially during the night. It is believed that for wounds and skin diseases, application of clay or moistened earth was the only true natural cure. The body is thus repaired with the element from which it is assumed to be made. All diseases, especially the serious nervous troubles would lose their terrors, by sleeping or lying on the earth at night.

                Walking barefoot is regarded as a valuable step in achieving good health. Going barefoot draws vital energy and strength out of the earth. The significance of earth has become well-known around the world today. People believe that healing power is strong in leaves and herbs, powerful in the air, but very powerful indeed in the earth. People, who practice the earth cure, bury themselves in the earth up to their necks, leave them there for some hours, and then remove them. It is presumed that the body draws unto itself the therapeutic minerals and some of the earth`s magnetism. Mud Therapy includes Mud bath, mud pack and others.

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