Sunday, September 2, 2012


                 This little known non-essential amino acid is considered valuable in the treatment of alcoholism. Glutamine reduces the generally irresistible craving for alcohol that recovering drinkers almost inevitably encounter.


             When one or more of the fundamental amino acids are left out of the diet, symptoms similar to those of vitamin deficiencies may be experienced such as low blood pressure, loss of weight, poor resistance to infections, anaemia, poor muscle tone, slow healing of wounds and bloodshot eyes. Children who do not get the requisite amounts of amino acids in their every day diet suffer from stunted growth and lasting damage to the glands. On the other hand, those getting the full proportion of amino acids in their diet will be rewarded with vigour, energy and long life. The best food proteins with all the important amino acids are found in almonds, cheese and eggs. Amino acids are being increasingly and effectively used in the treatment of several diseases, such as stomach ulcers, burns, kidney diseases and liver diseases. It has also been observed that the diseases of old age can be largely prevented if elderly persons take the proper food supplements of amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Amino acids are required at every stage from infancy to old age, to repair worn out tissues and to create new ones.

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