Sunday, August 12, 2012


                    Of all the vital amino acids, tryptophan is the one that is most investigated by nutrition researchers. It is essential to blood clotting, digestive juices and the optic system. It induces sleep and quietens the nervous system. It wards off signs of premature old age; cataracts of the eyes, baldness, and weakening of sex glands and deformity of teeth enamel. It is also essential to the female reproductive organs and for appropriate utilisation of vitamin A by the body. Major sources of this amino acid are nuts, and most vegetables. Lack of tryptophan causes symptoms similar to those of vitamin A deficit. A number of scientists feel that it can be used as a harmless and effective food remedy for insomnia Tryptophan as a food medicine should be taken between meals with a low protein food such as fruit juice or bread.

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