Sunday, April 7, 2013


    Changing from cooked to natural food at one stretch requires lot of will power and self control. Hence the proverb Slow and steady wins the race will help here.  We can start with 1 meal of natural food/day. (eg breakfast or dinner with only fruits and nuts). No limitation in quantity. Continue for a certain period of time according to your convenience and then gradually extend it to the second meal.  Then one day we will be able to completely change to natural food. This is applicable for minor diseases.  Meanwhile they can also try to stop taking nonveg- and milk products. But this does not apply to one who is seriously ill and fighting for life.  They should completely change to natural food to overcome their illness.

    There will be a craving for cooked food and always a hunger like feeling while starting a diet on natural food because man started eating cooked food from time unknown and this habit has been imprinted in every cell of human beings.  It is quiet difficult to overcome a habit formed by our ancestors. Hence we should try to come out of it step by step.  The uneasiness we feel at first should not be misunderstood with weakness and it is the same feeling a drunkard feels when he doesn’t find his drink at his usual time of drinking. Will anybody argue foolishly that drinking is safe and healthy. The same is applicable to the starting problem of natural food. Gradually our body will get used to it and the feeling of uneasiness will vanish. Meditation will help to control the craving for cooked food.

    It is wise to start taking natural food when we are healthy itself because prevention is better than cure and it also won’t affect our day to day activities.  Eat the fruits which you like most.  Nuts should be taken compulsorily.  Eating fruits alone is not advisable. The quantity of food taken will gradually reduce after long term intake of natural food. (Since less amount of food is enough for a healthy body).

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