Thursday, April 4, 2013


(1)Why it sweats only to humans?

(2)Why birds are able to travel from one continent to another continent non-stop without getting tiredness whereas we feel tired even for traveling small distances?
(3)Why man gets many diseases such as BP, sugar, cancer, epilepsy, leprosy etc and meets his death before his life span?
(4)Why man is not happy even when he is rich?
(5)Why men fight among themselves?
(6)Why man goes on searching FOR MONEY, FAME ETC FOOLISHLY while can’t even take a single dust after his death?
(7)Why he goes on filling his wardrobe while he can wear only one dress at a time? For whom and for what purpose?
(8)If education and money can bring happiness, is every educated and rich man happy?

ANSWER: Man is the only living being on earth who eats cooked food.

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