Sunday, April 21, 2013


(1)     World will escape from plastic usage since cloth bags can be used to purchase fruits and tinned and preserved food not required. Manufacturing of  plastic goods and killing animals for eating and leather
(2) Bad habits will vanish.
(3) Ahimsa will flourish.
(4) Peace will prevail.
(5) There won't be any caste, race, religious, linguistic, colour and country wide differences.
(6) Unity will exist.
(7) There won't be population explosion.
(8) Blind beliefs won't be there.
(9) Women will get independence from cooking.
(10)  Divorces will disappear from the society.
(11) Fuel consumption for cooking will reduce and hence the CO2 in the atmosphere.
(12) Economy will improve.
(13) Famine will vanish.
(14) Fire accidents won't be there.
(15) Forests won't be cut down for wood.
(16) All the agricultural fields will change to orchards.
(17) Sufficient rain and underground water will be there due to these orchards.
(18) The dried leaves of the trees will itself become the fertilizer for the trees.
(19) Soil erosion will be avoided due to the roots of fruit trees
(20) Due to the shade of these trees global warming can be avoided naturally.( A simple solution to the      
 world wide problem the scientists and ecologists are yelling at to save the world for our future generation)
(21) Pure air can be obtained from these trees.
(22) No necessary for law enforcing organizations as crimes will disappear
(23) Food adulteration not possible.
(24) Food storage (holding & storage)  for black market not possible since the natural foods cannot be stored for long time. Whatever is in demand in the market will only be produced.
(25) World without any problems can be formed.
(26) One world (Real Global Village), One race, One Government can beformed.
(27) Distance from the greedy, cruel, disastrous, competition warring
present modern life which is the basic cause of disaster, war  , calamities to
a calm happy, healthy, harmonious life which originally designed for human beings by mother nature is the distance from the product on our dining table (cooked food) to the natural food.

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