Sunday, April 28, 2013


                               (1)   Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
                               (2) Health is wealth.
                               (3) Eat to live; don't live to eat.
                               (4) Eat water drink food.(drink water little by little and eat food after chewing well.
                               (5) Medicine and food should be one and the same.
                               (6) Indigestion and Constipation are the basic diseases for all other diseases.
                               (7) God created fruits; Devil created cooking.
                               (8) Bed coffee will make us fall in bed.
                               (9) Eat for the body and not for the tongue.
                              (10) Salt and sugar are poisons.
                              (11) Good air is equal to 100 ounce of medicine. (Japanese Proverb)
                              (12) Doctor is present where sun is absent-Spain proverb
                              (13) Wake at 5 take food at 9 (morning)  Eat  at 5 sleep  at 9 (evening)
                              (14) Where the stomach is big the brain is small - German Proverb.
                              (15) Over eating kills more people than famine and war.
                              (16) Taking food after sunrise and before sunset increases the life span.

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