Monday, April 1, 2013


               Steam  bath is  of  use during  rainy  season and  in cold  countries.  In  these places removal of toxins through sweat is very less.  Steam bath serves this purpose here. It can be taken at home too. Vicks, leaves of neem, Tulsi, Nochi, can be used. Pressure cooker can be used. A gas tube can be taken and checked whether there is any dust in it by passing water through it. Water should be kept in

                 the pressure cooker and heated. A gas tube can be attached to the nozzle where the weight of the pressure cooker is kept for cooking. The person should be made to sit on a chair or stool of convenient height and he should be covered fully with 3 or 4 blankets. Then steam from the pressure cooker can be sent through the blankets.  Care should be taken that the steam does not touch the body of the person.

               Also care should be taken that the pressure cooker should not tumble over. The patient can be made to sit inside until he can tolerate the steam.  The patient should sweat well.  It is very useful for persons suffering from cold, asthma, obesity e

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