Thursday, March 14, 2013

Diet Therapy

                                                                    Diet therapy is a process of treating diseases by eating a diet, which contains the curative and preventive ingredients
               important part of living and a nutritious diet helps keeping new diseases from affecting the body. Ayurveda suggests that only a balanced diet is not sufficient for good health. It recommends that specific bodily conditions require specific diets. It looks at diet as an alternative therapy and treats the body as a combination of three different factors called vata, pitta and kapha. These factors represent air, fire and water respectively. A healthy boy is one in which the three elements are perfectly balanced which can be achieved through diet. When any one of the elements is disturbed the body becomes prone to diseases, correcting the diet can cure it.

                    Diet therapy is a process of treating diseases of the body by eating a diet, which contains the necessary curative and preventive ingredients. A diet therapist would try to include the useful foods in the diet and eliminate all the harmful ones so that the person can recover quickly. Practitioners of medicine even claim that a healthy diet plan can help curing diseases and also assist in prevention of the disease. This is the main function of a diet therapy.

                      Be it with a well-structured diet plan for healthy living, or be it with a plan of diet for different diseases, diet therapy has carved a niche for itself as a noteworthy alternative therapy. Diet Therapy , Naturopathy

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