Monday, March 11, 2013

Sound bath

                         The first symptom of stress fighting while one hears a tune is an increase in deep breathing as well as acceleration in serotonin hormone production. Even during the dental treatment music is proven to reduce pain. When one works if music plays in the background it definitely reduces stress. Music is found to reduce the heart rates and promote higher body temperature, which is an indication of the onset of relaxation. The relaxation therapy is more effective when it works in combination of music therapy.

                        To relieve stress one can take a twenty-minute `Sound bath`. One must lie in the couch or floor in a comfortable position with the liking music playing in a sound system. One can even wear headphones to concentrate more on the music. The focus should be on breath and concentration should be given on the gaps of the tones. The music should be allowed to wash over the body and mind so that it can bring complete relaxation. A slow rhythmic music is always much effective than a faster one. Indian classical ragas are proved to be very effective. But if one wants to boost him/her up after a day`s fatigue he/she must listen to some faster music instead of a calm one. One can also chose a familiar music like childhood song or good oldies for the music therapy and relaxation. Listening to natural music like waves of sea or falling of raindrops is also helpful in relieving stress.

                          A single music is not good for everyone. Different people have different taste of music and it is important to like the music to get its full beneficial effect. There are some common guidelines to maximize the effectiveness of the music.

                  The modern days music therapy is not fully developed yet. It needs further research and the therapeutic system must be guided by the experts.

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