Sunday, March 24, 2013


(1)    Red soil, clay or sand with sticky property can be used for the purpose. Make it into a paste by mixing it with water the day before the bath is to be taken. This cools the heat in the sand and encourages bacterial growth which is good for the skin. 
(2)    Sand bath should be taken before 12’o clock.
(3)    Sand bath should be taken wearing minimum dress.
(4)    The mud can be applied to all parts of the body including head. It can also be applied over wounds.
(5)    The sunlight should be allowed to fall on the body.
(6)    After ½ an hour or after the mud has completely dried up take rest for ½ an hour in shade.
(7)    Take bath in cold water.  No necessary for soap, shampoo or any shikakai etc.  Rub the mud well with water and massage it slowly and take bath.
(8)    Toxins in the body comes out through this treatment.  Sweat pores will get cleansed and a feeling of freshness will be there.
(9)    This treatment is good for skin diseases like psoriasis and nerve  problems, paralytic, leprosy, leucoderma problems.
(10)    Those who live in apartments and cities , where pure mud without fertilizers and pesticides not possible, Multani mitti, a clay which can be obtained in fancy stores can be used.

    The above treatments can be done at home.  If doubt arises expert guidance can be sought.  Even healthy people can take these treatments and remove toxins from their body and can prevent
them from diseases.

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