Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Flower Remedies

               Reckoned as a noteworthy alternative therapy it has now become the most sought after treatment in India.
Bach flower remedies - Dilutions of flower material developed by Edward Bach                     Flower remedy is an alternate therapeutic method that can be used for the treatment of various ailments in human beings. It is almost similar like homeopathic treatment. The natural extracts from flowers are taken and used in the therapy. The extracts are not used in the concentrated form, but applied in diluted form. Only a small amount of flower extract in solution gives the desired effect. The preparation of flower remedies is not an easy job. To prepare flower remedy the person must have knowledge and a lot of skill.

                  Though flower remedies have many similarities with homeopathy practice but the method of preparation is markedly different. This rigorous method is done to make the flower remedies more effective than the homeopathic therapies. 

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