Wednesday, March 20, 2013


          Juice fasting helps when the patient cannot be kept on complete fasting. (On water). It has both advantages and disadvantages.
(1)Since the energy spent on digestion is very less (Since the intake is in liquid form) the body diverts its energy for purification of the system.
(2) Energy absorption is easier for the body. 
(3) Juices of juicy fruits (Grapes, Orange, Sweet lemon, Pomegranate with high glucose content) will help in case of seriously ill patients to recover fast.
(4) Very sick patients will find it easy to digest.


(1)   Since the intake is in liquid form there is no fibre content in the intake.
(2)   Not advisable for patients with severe piles and constipation problems.  They are recommended to take natural food as it is.If the patient is kept on juice fasting taking enema once a day is advised. (If
bowel movements are not regular and constipation arises)

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