Friday, March 22, 2013


     Space law says that whichever natural food is available in a particular area sufficient for the people in that area.  No need to import food from other countries and eat.  No other animals import food and eat.  They eat whatever available in that area, don’t look for which food has protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals etc.  They also don’t count the calories for eating.  Inspite of all this they stay healthy.  Hence no need to import costly foreign foods and eat.  In India Coconut, banana, dates which is easily available throughout the year contains all the nutrition required for human body.  Other seasonal fruits available in the area can also be taken. Those who couldn’t afford costly fruits can take coconut milk, vegetable juices, juices of green leaves etc . No need for tinned food, protein food, nutritious drink etc. If we have any doubt regarding the food to be taken we can think of the animals like elephants which live only on greens and the enormous strength they have.

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