Monday, March 25, 2013


     This is a simple plastic equipment available at cheap cost at Nature cure treatment centers.

    Germs are created in constipated body.  Hence toxins are created in the blood. Gradually the body falls ill. The intestine gets heated up during constipation.  It gives rise to files, fistula etc. Enema cup is used to wash the intestine just as we wash our mouth by goggling. It should be taken daily in case of constipation.  To avoid constipation high fibrous food (ie natural food) should be taken. If natural food is taken and the tongue is clear without white patches enema once in a week is enough.  The stools should not be sticky. It indicates constipation.  Even children can take this.  It can be used in case of headaches, fever and cold. It is useful for those on cooked food.


    Fill the enema cup with water and hang it at a height over your head.  Then with the help of the nozzle pass the water through the anus into the intestine. (A little oil can be applied to the nozzle) .After all the water has passed keep it for 20 minutes.  Lying down will give better results.  After that stools can be passed out.  This wash out all the impurities stagnant in the intestine.  Water which is
used for drinking purpose should be used.

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