Friday, March 8, 2013

Music helps

Music helps in the treatment of the diseases in the following way-

  • Music acts as a sedative and thereby can replace the use of tranquillizers or at least can reduce the dosage of tranquillizers.

  • Music increases the metabolic activities within the human body. It accelerates the rate of respiration, increases the hormonal secretion, affects the muscular activities and thereby affects the total Central Nervous System and Circulatory System of the listener of the music.

  •             Many experts suggest that it is the rhythm of the music or the beats that has the calming effect on the nervous system without making the person very conscious about it. The commonest example is baby in the womb of mother is influenced by the heartbeat of mother. Even at the later stage of life a person responds to the soothing music, which perhaps associate with the safe, relaxed and protected environment of Mother`s womb. After much research therefore music has made its presence felt as an alternative form of treatment hence the very concept of music therapy is wide and engaging. The automatic process of music therapy therefore does a deep central healing while setting the right combination of sounds.

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