Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Music Therapy

Music therapy is an old concept which is under research and development so that it comes in effect to cure many diseases
 Music therapy also known as sound healing is a particular process where "sound" is employed in healing diseases.

Listening to the music provides wonderful effect to alleviate stress. Music is a significant mood changer and reliever of stress, working on many levels at the same time. Music of choice has always been a great healer. Thus music has frequently been used as the therapeutic agent from the ancient times. Music produces the effect of Yoga through the generation of sonorous sound, which acts upon human organism to awaken and develop the proper function of various organ systems so that it ultimately leads to self-realization. The music therapy was common in ancient India as self-realization was the ultimate goal of Hindu Philosophy and religion. The key of Indian classical music is melody. Various Ragas have been found to be very effective in curing many diseases. Though it should always be remembered that every body have their different taste of music. So listening forcefully of a relaxing music, which the patient does not like, might enhance taste instead of alleviating it.

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